The Classroom Continuous Build Butler - Didit

Building configuration: build.xml

Didit builds projects using Ant.

As the author of a build configuration, security is your problem. Read build security for details.

Didit uses three Ant targets:

  • compile: compile student and public test code. Compilation success or failure plus console output is reported to students.

  • public: run public tests. Public test results and output are reported to students.

  • hidden: compile and run hidden tests. Hidden test results only are reported to students if and when they are released in a grade report.

The discussion below is for Java and JUnit, but any build testing process that generates results in the Ant JUnit XML format will work. Unfortunately, this XML format is not a documented standard.


To ensure consistent compilation:

<property name="" value="..."/>
<property name="build.sysclasspath" value="ignore"/>

Didit provides eclipse.home so student repos do not have to contain materials already distributed with Eclipse. You can require eclipse.home when staff run the build manually:

<fail unless="eclipse.home"/>

Find JUnit:

<path id="eclipse.junit.jar">
    <fileset dir="${eclipse.home}" includes="**/org.junit_4*/junit.jar"/>
    <fileset dir="${eclipse.home}" includes="**/org.junit4_4*/junit.jar"/>
    <fileset dir="${eclipse.home}" includes="**/org.hamcrest.core_*.jar"/>

Then compile against JUnit by using refid="eclipse.junit.jar" in the classpath.

Make sure compilation destination directories are removed (e.g. in a clean target) and created by the compilation, e.g.:

<target name="clean">
    <delete dir="bin-student"/>
    <delete dir="bin-public"/>
    <delete dir="bin-hidden"/>

Compilation usually takes place in two steps. For example:

<target name="compile-student">
    <mkdir dir="bin-student"/>
    <javac srcdir="src" destdir="bin-student" debug="on">
        <include name="ps0/*.java"/>
            <path refid="eclipse.junit.jar"/>

<target name="compile-public">
    <mkdir dir="bin-public"/>
    <javac srcdir="grader-proj/src" destdir="bin-public" debug="on">
        <include name="ps0/staff/*.java"/>
            <path refid="eclipse.junit.jar"/>
            <pathelement location="bin-student"/>

Delay hidden test compilation. Since compilation output is reported to students, you may want to delay compilation of the hidden tests.

Compile against dummy versions. In some situations, “empty” versions of the student or staff code may be useful. For example, compile an “empty” implementation of the assignment with the correct method signatures but no code; then compile student-written tests against that empty implementation. Compilation will succeed only if the student is testing against the required specs. In the test targets, those tests can run against staff-provided implementations.

public and hidden tests

Since security is your problem, you will want to read the documentation on build security:

  • Test targets should delete existing Ant JUnit test reports, TEST*.xml.
  • Test targets should generate a Java security policy and run Java with the security manager enforcing the policy.

Here’s an outline of what the public and hidden targets might look like:

<target name="test-clean">
    <delete><fileset dir="." includes="TEST*.xml"/></delete>
    <delete><fileset file="security.policy"/></delete>
    <echo file="security.policy"> ... </echo>

<target name="public" depends="test-clean">
    <junit fork="yes" timeout="...">
        <jvmarg line=""/>
        <jvmarg value="-Ddidit.desc=..."/>
        <formatter type="xml" usefile="true"/>
        <test name="..." />
        <classpath> ... </classpath>
    <junit fork="yes" timeout="...">
    <junitreport><fileset dir="." includes="TEST-*.xml"/></junitreport>

<target name="hidden" depends="test-clean, compile-hidden">

In most cases, you want to run Ant JUnit tasks with fork="yes" so a separate process is used for each test class. JUnit cannot reliably enforce timeouts for badly-behaving code, but including a timeout is advisable. E.g.:

<junit fork="yes" timeout="5000"> ... </junit>
  • You can select test classes individually with nested test elements:

    <test name="ps0.staff.TurtleTest"/>

    Or multiple classes with batchtest:

        <fileset dir="bin-tests" includes="ps0/staff/*Test.class"/>
  • You want a JVM arguments line to enable the security manager:

    <jvmarg line=""/>
  • You can also provide a description of these tests to be included on result pages by assigning a value to didit.desc:

    <jvmarg value="-Ddidit.desc=Testing penup and pendown"/>
  • And you must set the test report formatter to write XML files:

    <formatter type="xml" usefile="true"/>

    Each junit task will generate a TEST-packagename.ClassName.xml file.

Finally, after all of their junit tasks, both public and hidden should generate a summary report called TESTS-TestSuites.xml with all the test results:

    <fileset dir="." includes="TEST-*.xml"/>

Test payloads

You can generate test results with arbitrary payloads – text or binary data – that are accessible from build result pages on the web.

Generating payload-only tests

Assuming hello.png.gz.b64 is a base64-encoded gzipped PNG:

<loadfile property="payload.hello" srcFile="hello.png.gz.b64" failonerror="false"/>
<property name="payload.hello" value=""/>
<echoxml file="TEST-z-images.xml">
    <testsuite name="Images" tests="1" failures="0" errors="0">
            <property name="didit.desc" value="Images!"/>
        <testcase name="hello">
            <payload type="png.gz">${payload.hello}</payload>

This example generates a ‘fake’ test result file with a single passing test that will link to hello.png.

Attaching payloads to JUnit tests

You can also deliver payloads attached to ‘real’ tests. In build.xml:

<loadfile property="payload.hello" srcFile="hello.png.gz.b64" failonerror="false"/>
<property name="payload.hello" value=""/>
<xslt in="TEST-ps0.staff.TurtleTest.xml"
    <param name="hello" expression="${payload.hello}"/>
<move file="TEST-ps0.staff.TurtleTest.out.xml"

And in XSLT stylesheet payloads.xslt:

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="">

    <xsl:param name="hello"></xsl:param>
    <xsl:template match="@*|node()">
            <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()"/>
    <xsl:template match="testcase[@name='testHelloImage']">
            <xsl:apply-templates select="@* | *"/>
            <payload type="png.gz"><xsl:value-of select="$hello"/></payload>

This example adds hello.png as the payload for test testHelloImage.

Manually-generated test results

You can run arbitrary tests using Ant tasks and include them in the test results and grade reports by generating XML result files by hand.

Use the echoxml Ant task. For an example, see generating payload-only tests above.